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fitdistrplus 1.2-2



  • the default starting value for the gamma distribution was wrongly computed for the rate parameter.

fitdistrplus 1.2-1

CRAN release: 2024-07-12


  • the fitdistrplus git repo now belongs to the lbbe-software organization
  • modify or add a initial value for all univariate distributions provided in actuar.
  • create a new vignette regarding default initial values.
  • add of generic functions AIC() and BIC() for fitdist and fitdistcens objects.
  • make gofstat() work with fitdistcens objects (giving only AIC and BIC values).
  • add calculation of the hessian using optimHess within fitdist when it is not given by optim.
  • compute the asymptotic covariance matrix with MME : Now the theoretical moments m<dist> should be defined up to an order which equals to twice the maximal order given order.
  • add a new argument calcvcov in order to (dis)able the computation of covariance matrix for any method.
  • graphics function *comp() now return a list of drawn points and/or lines when plotstyle == "graphics".
  • add a density function for bootdist(cens) objects.
  • add DOIs in man pages.


  • when a scale parameter was fixed, the startarg function also set a rate parameter. this leads to an error when calling the density.
  • add further sanity check in plotdistcens: the following code plotdistcens(data.frame(right=smokedfish$right, left=smokedfish$left)) raised an error via npsurv(), thanks to R. Pouillot.
  • bug fixed in using breaks in plotdist.
  • solve the extremely long time taking by lines in descdist.
  • add defensive programming for input data (check NA, NaN, Inf values).
  • correct links in man pages and URL for DOI.
  • remove the use of in vignettes.

fitdistrplus 1.1-11

CRAN release: 2023-04-25


  • add a print argument in the descdist function to allow to only plot the skewness-kurtosis graph, without printing the computed parameters


  • the use of some deprecated ggplot2 functions is updated
  • the use of some deprecated BibTeX entries is updated
  • bug fixed in drawing CI lines in CIcdfcplot when ggplot2 is called
  • bug fixed in drawing horizontal lines in cdfcompcens

fitdistrplus 1.1-8

CRAN release: 2022-03-10


  • update an URL in fitdistrplus.Rd from to
  • replace if(class(x) == XX) by if(inherits(x, XX))
  • replace all dontrun tags by donttest in examples in rd files


  • fix an error in t-detectbound.R producing “failure: length > 1 in coercion to logical” reported by Brian Ripley

fitdistrplus 1.1-6

CRAN release: 2021-09-28


  • new function Surv2fitdistcens() to format data for use in fitdistcens() from a format used in the survival package
  • new dataset fremale in order to illustrate Surv2fitdistcens()
  • support the use of ggplot2 for CIcdfplot
  • add the taxon names to the endosulfan dataset
  • new argument name.points in cdfcomp and CIcdfplot to add labels next to points

fitdistrplus 1.1-5

CRAN release: 2021-05-28


  • reduce testing times in test files

fitdistrplus 1.1-3

CRAN release: 2020-12-05


  • take into account fix.arg for uniform distribution


  • add the loglikelihood value for uniform distribution (in mledist())
  • correct usage of triple dots argument in llsurface()
  • fix an error in ppcomp() and qqcomp() raised for large dataset

fitdistrplus 1.1-1

CRAN release: 2020-05-19


  • add of internal functions to cope with problems of lack of maintenance of the package npsurv and remove the dependence to this package
  • remove of the deprecated argument Turnbull of plotdistcens()

fitdistrplus 1.0-14

CRAN release: 2019-01-23


  • add a new estimation method called maximum spacing estimation via msedist()

fitdistrplus 1.0-13


  • fix issues coming from the noLD (–disable-long-double) configuration of R

fitdistrplus 1.0-12


  • bug fixed in qmedist() and fitdistcens() which raised an error in checkparamlist().
  • bug fixed in testdpqfun() which assumes the first argument of d,p,q,r functions are exactly the same as in base R.

fitdistrplus 1.0-11

CRAN release: 2018-09-10


  • update the FAQ with beta(a,a).
  • improve graphics for discrete distributions in denscomp().
  • improve automatic naming of legends in xxxcomp().
  • harmonize outputs in mledist(), qmedist(), mmedist(), mgedist(), fitdist() and fitdistcens().
  • automatic test of d, p, q functions in fitdist() and raise warnings.
  • improve test for starting and fixed values.
  • add new default starting values for distributions in actuar.
  • change of the default CDF plot for censored data, using the Wang NPMLE algorithm provided in the package npsurv (in plotdistcens() and cdfcompcens())
  • add of two new goodness-of-fit plots (QQ-plot and PP-plot) for censored data (cf. plotdistcens, qqcompcens and ppcompcens).
  • add of a part dedicated to censored datain the FAQ vignette.
  • homogeneization of xlim and ylim default definition in plotdistcens.
  • Removing of the name of the first argument in calls to dpq functions in order to make the package compatible with distributions defined with a non classical name for their first argument (resp. x, q, p for d, p, q functions).
  • add the possibility to change the title of the CDF plot in plotdistcens() using the argument main.
  • support the use of ggplot2 for cdfcompcens, qqcompcens, ppcompcens.


  • bug fixed concerning the use of gofstat with a chi squared df <=0 (error message blocking the other functions)
  • bug fix in mledist() when bounds were set (so not NULL) for censored MLE
  • enable a correct use of non-equidistant breaks in denscomp for the histogram when plotstyle = “ggplot”, and prohibit the use of non-equidistant breaks with probability = FALSE (adding a stop in this case).

fitdistrplus 1.0-9

CRAN release: 2017-03-24

  • update the FAQ with linear inequality constraints.

fitdistrplus 1.0-8

CRAN release: 2017-02-01


  • support the use of ggplot2 for cdfcomp, denscomp, qqcomp, ppcomp.


  • correct legend for qqcomp and ppomp on large data.
  • correct weights in mmedist.
  • correct the name Akaike in gofstat.
  • correct the use of trueval in plot.bootdist.
  • correct the vignette on truncate (inflated) distributions.

fitdistrplus 1.0-7

CRAN release: 2016-07-02


  • keep the JSS vignette as a pdf.
  • start the FAQ vignette and add datasets (?dataFAQ) for it.
  • provide likelihood plot/surface/curve: llplot, llcurve, llsurface.
  • provide parallelization of bootstrap in bootdist and bootdistcens.
  • provide graphic of (e)cdf with bootstraped confidence interval/area: CIcdfplot.
  • allow the use of constrOptim() in mledist, mmedist, mgedist, qmedist functions.
  • add a possible pre-fitting procedure: prefit.


  • add invisible() for all graphical functions.
  • bug fixed concerning the use of weights on censored data.

fitdistrplus 1.0-6

CRAN release: 2015-11-30


  • automatic definition of starting values for distributions llogis and invweibull is now working.

fitdistrplus 1.0-5

CRAN release: 2015-09-21


  • update starting/fixing values in mledist, mmedist, mgedist, qmedist functions.
  • update graphics for bootstrap procedure.
  • add argument do.points in cdfcomp.
  • add argument weights in mledist, qmedist, mmedist, fitdist, fitdistcens.
  • add argument keepdata in fitdist, fitdistcens.
  • suppress warnings/errors in fitdist(cens), bootdist(cens).


  • defensive programming in plotdist, cdfcomp,…
  • simplify plotting curves in cdfcomp where seq(xmin, xmax, by=1) was used.

fitdistrplus 1.0-4

CRAN release: 2015-02-23

  • release for the JSS publication.

fitdistrplus 1.0-3

CRAN release: 2014-12-13


  • new generic functions for fitdist(cens): loglik, vcov and coef.
  • vignette updated to the version of a paper accepted by the Journal of Statistical Software.
  • add of an argument discrete in fitdist in order to be able to take into account non classical discrete distributions while plotting the fit with plot.fitdist or cdfcomp and while calculating goodness-of-fit statistics with gofstat (add of an example : fit of a zero inflate Poisson distribution).
  • add of an S3 class for descdist and a print method.


  • fitdist can handle non invertible Hessian matrices.

fitdistrplus 1.0-2

CRAN release: 2014-02-12


  • plotdist can plot empirical density as an histogram, a density plot or both superimposed.
  • a strong warning was added to the documentation of function descdist about the problematic high variance of skewness and kurtosis.


  • bug fixed in bootdistcens : argument fix.arg is now correctly passed to mle.

fitdistrplus 1.0-1

CRAN release: 2013-04-10


  • gofstat can handle multiple fitdist objects.
  • plotdist for discrete data is slightly enhanced.

fitdistrplus 1.0-0

CRAN release: 2012-12-27


  • update cdfcomp and add denscomp, ppcomp and qqcomp functions.
  • add of an argument Turnbull.confint to functions plotdistcens and cdfcompcens in order to draw confidence intervals on the empirical distribution only if requested.
  • ppoints now used in “fitdist” for QQ plot, PP plot and cdf plot for continuous data (was used only for QQ plot in previous versions) to enable Blom type plotting position (using by default Hazen plotting position than can be chanfge using arguments use.ppoints and a.ppoints)
  • many changes in the examples given in the reference manual.
  • the vignette was removed, to be transformed in a paper that we will soon submit to a journal.
  • add of four data sets : fluazinam, salinity, danishuni and danishmulti.
  • add of functions to calculate quantiles of the fitted distribution, with 95 percent CI calculated by bootstrap : quantile generic function is available both for fitdist and bootdist objects and quantile generic function is available both for fitdistcens and bootdistcens objects.


  • correction the formula for the CvM test for Weibull distribution.
  • elimination of CvM and AD tests for normal, lognormal and logistic distributions : formulas previously used (given by Stephens 1986) do not use exactly MLE estimates and thus results were only approximates.
  • make arguments xlim and ylim functional in cdfcompcens.
  • bug fix in the closed formula in mmedist for lognormal distributions.

fitdistrplus 0.3-4

CRAN release: 2012-03-22


  • posibility to fix xlegend to a keyword (e.g. bottomright) in cdfcomp and cdfcompdens.
  • improvement of the new vignette.


  • correction of the NAMESPACE file in order to enable the correct print of a summary of a fitdistcens object (with the correlation matrix, the loglikelihood and AIC and BIC statistics).

fitdistrplus 0.3-3


  • a new function (cdfcompcens) to plot cumulative distributions corresponding to various fits using a same censored data set.
  • add an example with scaling problem in man pages.

fitdistrplus 0.3-2


  • new plot of the empirical cdf curve in plotdistcens, using the Turnbull algorithm by a call to function survfit{survival}.
  • new arguments to function cdfcomp : verticals, horizontals and xlim.

fitdistrplus 0.3-1


  • add of a draft of a new version of the vignette.

fitdistrplus 0.3-0


  • a new function (cdfcomp) to plot cumulative distributions corresponding to various fits using a same non censored data set.
  • add of two data sets : endosulfan and toxocara.

fitdistrplus 0.2-2

CRAN release: 2011-04-27


  • elimination of NON-ASCII characters in the vignette.

fitdistrplus 0.2-1

CRAN release: 2011-03-18


  • a new fitting method was implemented for continuous distributions : the maximum goodness-of-fit estimation (function mgedist) (for the moment only available for non censored data).

fitdistrplus 0.1-5


  • a new goodness-of-fit statistic was added in gofstat, with corresponding test : the Cramer-von Mises distance.
  • a new fitting method has been implemented : the quantile matching estimation (function qmedist). For the moment, only available for non censored data.
  • the moment matching estimation has been extended (in function mmedist) to enable numerical matching when closed formula are not available.


  • correction of a bug inserted while adding the argument fix.arg which prevent the print of the results of goodness-of-fit tests.

fitdistrplus 0.1-4

CRAN release: 2010-09-16


  • a component named dots added to the list returned by fitdist and fitdistcens in order to pass optional arguments for the control of optimization in mledist to bootdist and bootdistcens. bootdist and bootdistcens changed to take into account these optional arguments if they are defined in the call to fitdist or fitdistcens.
  • an argument added to fitdist, fitdistcens and mledist, named fix.arg, and giving the possibility to fix some of the distribution parameters while maximizing the likelihood. Functions bootdist, bootdistcens and gofstat were also changed in order to take this new argument into account.
  • a new data file of bacterial contamination censored data extracted from Busschaert et al. 2000 and examples corresponding to analysis of this dataset.


  • correction of a bug in the print and the plot of bootstraped samples using bootdist or bootdistcens when there was only one parameter estimated by maximum likelihood.

fitdistrplus 0.1-3

CRAN release: 2010-06-02


  • new data file groundbeef (groundbeef.rda and groundbeef.Rd) and new use of this dataset in some examples.
  • new function gofstat. Goodness-of-fit statistics are no more computed by fitdist but may computed and printed by the use of the function gofstat. In this new function, the whole results computed are not printed : results of tests are printed only if the argument print.test==TRUE and for continuous distributions only Anderson-Darling and Kolomogorov-Smirnov statistics are printed by default (but complete results are returned by gofstat).
  • modifications in descdist : three arguments were added in descdist 1/ method, to choose between unbiased estimations of standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis (default choice) and sample values. 2/ obs.col to choose the color used to plot the observed point on the graph. 3/ boot.col to choose the color used to plot the bootstrap sample of points on the graph.
  • modifications in plotfit : minor changes were performed in order to facilitate the use of the argument … to personnalize the plots (see examples in plotdist.Rd)
  • modication of the vignette


  • correction of a bug in plotdist due to the redefinition in the previous version of the parameter “ylim” for the plot of a histogram with theoretical density function (there was a problem with infinite values of theoretical density function).

fitdistrplus 0.1-2

CRAN release: 2009-12-29


  • deletion of mledistcens and modification of mledist in order to maximize likelihood for both censored and non censored data.
  • possibility to choose the optimization method used for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of distribution parameters using the new argument “optim.method” of mledist.
  • possibility to specify contraints on distribution parameters using the new arguments “lower” and “upper” of mledist.
  • possibility to use a custom optimization function for MLE using the new argument “custom.optim”.
  • moment matching estimation is no longer done with argument method set to “mom” but set to “mme” in fitdist.
  • renaming of momdist in mmedist.
  • calculation of AIC and BIC criterion after maximum likelihood estimation of distribution parameters
  • change of the default number of iterations from 999 to 1001 for bootstrap in order to avoid interpolation using the quantile function
  • use of the argument “log” and (resp. “log.p”) of density (resp. distribution) when available to compute the loglikelihood.


  • omitting the name of the first argument in calls to the density function during maximization of the likelihood in order to enable the use of a density function defined with a first parameter (the vector of quantiles) with a name differing from “x” (classical name for density distributions defined in R), such as the density function dexGAUS from the package gamlss.dist.

fitdistrplus 0.1-1

CRAN release: 2009-02-16

  • Initial release.