Authors and Citation
Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller. Author.
Christophe Dutang. Author.
Regis Pouillot. Contributor.
Jean-Baptiste Denis. Contributor.
Aurélie Siberchicot. Author, maintainer.
Source: inst/CITATION
Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Christophe Dutang (2015). fitdistrplus: An R Package for Fitting Distributions. Journal of Statistical Software, 64(4), 1-34. DOI 10.18637/jss.v064.i04.
@Article{, title = {{fitdistrplus}: An {R} Package for Fitting Distributions}, author = {Marie Laure Delignette-Muller and Christophe Dutang}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2015}, volume = {64}, number = {4}, pages = {1--34}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v064.i04}, }