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Plots a given quantile of a variable calculated by group as an ECDF plot with points sized by the numbers of items per group. In the context of this package this function is intended to be used with the BMD as the variable and with groups defined by the user from functional annotation.


ecdfquantileplot(variable, by, quantile.prob = 0.5, title)



A numeric vector corresponding to the variable on which we want to calculate the given quantile by group. In the context of the package this variable may be a BMD.


A factor of the same length defining the groups. In the context of this package this factor may code for groups defined by the user from functional annotation.


The probability (in ]0, 1[) defining the quantile to calculate on each group.


An optional title for the plot.


The given quantile is calculated for each group (e.g.from all items of a metabolic pathway) using function quantile and plotted as an ECDF plot. In this ECDF plot of quantiles each point is sized according to the number of items in the corresponding group (e.g. metabolic pathway). We recommend the use of the new function sensitivityplot that may be more convenient and that offers more options.


a ggplot object.

See also


Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller


# (1) An example from data published by Larras et al. 2020
# in Journal of Hazardous Materials

# a dataframe with metabolomic results (output $res of bmdcalc() or bmdboot() functions)
resfilename <- system.file("extdata", "triclosanSVmetabres.txt", package="DRomics")
res <- read.table(resfilename, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#> 'data.frame':	31 obs. of  27 variables:
#>  $ id              : Factor w/ 31 levels "NAP47_51","NAP_2",..: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
#>  $ irow            : int  2 21 28 34 38 47 49 51 53 67 ...
#>  $ adjpvalue       : num  6.23e-05 1.11e-05 1.03e-05 1.89e-03 4.16e-03 ...
#>  $ model           : Factor w/ 4 levels "Gauss-probit",..: 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 ...
#>  $ nbpar           : int  3 2 2 3 3 5 3 3 2 2 ...
#>  $ b               : num  0.4598 -0.0595 -0.0451 0.6011 0.6721 ...
#>  $ c               : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ d               : num  5.94 5.39 7.86 6.86 6.21 ...
#>  $ e               : num  -1.648 NA NA -0.321 -0.323 ...
#>  $ f               : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ SDres           : num  0.126 0.0793 0.052 0.2338 0.2897 ...
#>  $ typology        : Factor w/ 10 levels "E.dec.concave",..: 2 7 7 2 2 9 2 2 7 7 ...
#>  $ trend           : Factor w/ 4 levels "U","bell","dec",..: 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 ...
#>  $ y0              : num  5.94 5.39 7.86 6.86 6.21 ...
#>  $ yrange          : num  0.456 0.461 0.35 0.601 0.672 ...
#>  $ maxychange      : num  0.456 0.461 0.35 0.601 0.672 ...
#>  $ xextrem         : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ yextrem         : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ BMD.zSD         : num  0.528 1.333 1.154 0.158 0.182 ...
#>  $ BMR.zSD         : num  5.82 5.31 7.81 6.62 5.92 ...
#>  $ BMD.xfold       : num  NA NA NA NA 0.832 ...
#>  $ BMR.xfold       : num  5.35 4.85 7.07 6.17 5.59 ...
#>  $ BMD.zSD.lower   : num  0.2001 0.8534 0.7519 0.0554 0.081 ...
#>  $ BMD.zSD.upper   : num  1.11 1.746 1.465 0.68 0.794 ...
#>  $ BMD.xfold.lower : num  Inf 7.611 Inf 0.561 0.329 ...
#>  $ BMD.xfold.upper : num  Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf ...
#>  $ nboot.successful: int  957 1000 1000 648 620 872 909 565 1000 1000 ...

# a dataframe with annotation of each item identified in the previous file
# each item may have more than one annotation (-> more than one line)
annotfilename <- system.file("extdata", "triclosanSVmetabannot.txt", package="DRomics")
annot <- read.table(annotfilename, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#> 'data.frame':	84 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ metab.code: Factor w/ 31 levels "NAP47_51","NAP_2",..: 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ...
#>  $ path_class: Factor w/ 9 levels "Amino acid metabolism",..: 5 3 3 2 6 8 5 5 5 5 ...

# Merging of both previous dataframes
# in order to obtain an extenderes dataframe
# bootstrap results and annotation
annotres <- merge(x = res, y = annot, by.x = "id", by.y = "metab.code")
#>         id irow    adjpvalue       model nbpar           b  c        d
#> 1 NAP47_51   46 7.158246e-04      linear     2 -0.05600559 NA 7.343571
#> 2    NAP_2    2 6.232579e-05 exponential     3  0.45981242 NA 5.941896
#> 3   NAP_23   21 1.106958e-05      linear     2 -0.05946618 NA 5.387252
#> 4   NAP_30   28 1.028343e-05      linear     2 -0.04507832 NA 7.859109
#> 5   NAP_30   28 1.028343e-05      linear     2 -0.04507832 NA 7.859109
#> 6   NAP_30   28 1.028343e-05      linear     2 -0.04507832 NA 7.859109
#>           e  f      SDres     typology trend       y0    yrange maxychange
#> 1        NA NA 0.12454183        L.dec   dec 7.343571 0.4346034  0.4346034
#> 2 -1.647958 NA 0.12604568 E.dec.convex   dec 5.941896 0.4556672  0.4556672
#> 3        NA NA 0.07929266        L.dec   dec 5.387252 0.4614576  0.4614576
#> 4        NA NA 0.05203245        L.dec   dec 7.859109 0.3498078  0.3498078
#> 5        NA NA 0.05203245        L.dec   dec 7.859109 0.3498078  0.3498078
#> 6        NA NA 0.05203245        L.dec   dec 7.859109 0.3498078  0.3498078
#>   xextrem yextrem   BMD.zSD  BMR.zSD BMD.xfold BMR.xfold BMD.zSD.lower
#> 1      NA      NA 2.2237393 7.219029        NA  6.609214     0.9785095
#> 2      NA      NA 0.5279668 5.815850        NA  5.347706     0.2000881
#> 3      NA      NA 1.3334076 5.307960        NA  4.848527     0.8533711
#> 4      NA      NA 1.1542677 7.807077        NA  7.073198     0.7518588
#> 5      NA      NA 1.1542677 7.807077        NA  7.073198     0.7518588
#> 6      NA      NA 1.1542677 7.807077        NA  7.073198     0.7518588
#>   BMD.zSD.upper BMD.xfold.lower BMD.xfold.upper nboot.successful
#> 1      4.068699             Inf             Inf             1000
#> 2      1.109559             Inf             Inf              957
#> 3      1.746010        7.610936             Inf             1000
#> 4      1.464998             Inf             Inf             1000
#> 5      1.464998             Inf             Inf             1000
#> 6      1.464998             Inf             Inf             1000
#>                                    path_class
#> 1                            Lipid metabolism
#> 2                            Lipid metabolism
#> 3                     Carbohydrate metabolism
#> 4                     Carbohydrate metabolism
#> 5 Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites
#> 6                          Membrane transport

### an ECDFplot of quantiles of BMD-zSD calculated by pathway
ecdfquantileplot(variable = annotres$BMD.zSD, 
               by = annotres$path_class,
               quantile.prob = 0.25) 

# same plot in log10 dose scale (not interesting on this example
# but could be on another one) 
if (require(ggplot2))
  ecdfquantileplot(variable = annotres$BMD.zSD, 
               by = annotres$path_class,
               quantile.prob = 0.25) + scale_y_log10()